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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Spring Week 3

Singing Playgrounds


This week we have been thinking all about romance stories! We had a look at the story of Romeo and Juliet and then “The Whisperer” by Nick Butterworth. This has a similar storyline to Romeo and Juliet, but is much more child friendly! We have spent the week planning our own stories which we are going to write next week. We have created characters, designed a setting and planned the story.

This week we also had the exciting ‘Singing Playground’ day. We learnt lots of new songs and playground games which were really fun!

In Science we have learnt all about Mrs Nerg (the 7 life processes) so we can now describe living and not living things. In Computing we took some wonderful photographs, thinking about the background and positioning of the camera and objects being photographed. Both classes really impressed Miss Measey with their photography skills! Well done!

Have a lovely weekend, from Year 2.