A week of 3D hands!
Aesop's Fables and Escher
This week in Year 2 we have continued with our Aesops fable topic. We have been learning all about 'The Boy who cried Wolf!' We thought about the story from a villager’s point of view, thinking about how the boy crying wolf would affect their day. For example, perhaps they had begun to run a bath, then the boy cried wolf and by the time they had returned their house had flooded! Or, they were knitting a scarf as a gift, but the boy cried wolf, and when they had returned a cat had played with the wool and ruined the scarf!
We have also been learning about our key artist called Escher. We looked at a selection of Escher’s art work and then chose our favourite. We drew a particular part of our favourite picture, thinking carefully about how we could enlarge the picture. The second thing we did was to draw a 3D hand, inspired by one of Esher’s pictures which we celebrated both Kirsty and Roxy for in celebration assembly.
In food technology this week we have been tasting different soups! We thought all about the texture, taste and colour when we evaluated these. We also learnt about different types of vegetables, particularly thinking about the ones we didn't recognise, such as celery, turnips and lentils.
Thank you for reading our blog this week, it was written by all the children in 2AM with Miss Measey.
Have a lovely weekend from Year 2.