Eggscelent work
These are all the entrants for the Dr Barnado's Egg competition.
The eggcitement was eggstremely high for the final of the Dr Barnardo's design-an-egg competition. All were made to eggsacting standards and none were eggscluded. In order to finish on time, everyone had to crack on and there was no time for yolking around. At the time of writing the winner hadn't been announced but we're all eggcited about who it might be.
In the non-egg part of the curriculum, we've been finding out how to find change from an amount of money and some of us even had the chance to furnish an (imaginary) room to a budget. So we'll be itching to accompany you on your next trip to the supermarket!
It only remains to say, have a lovely half-term break and see you after half term. Once again, the homework for this week is attached below.