Handa's Surprise
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
This half term, our new topic is Kenyan Safari. Already we have learnt lots about Kenya and are all very excited to find out what we will be learning next. This week, we created pastel pictures of African animals and wrote descriptions of them. We can't wait to see the models you have been creating at home.
In Literacy we have been reading Handa's Surprise, a story about Handa's journey through Africa to carry a basket of fruit to her friend. We loved guessing which animal was going to steal the fruit next. To help us to write a fruit poem afterwards, we had a taste of different fruits that were mentioned in the book (passion fruit, mango, pineapple, avacado and banana) and thought of as many different adjectives as we could to describe the taste and texture. We decided our favourite was the passion fruit!
In Science we have been learning about signs of Spring. We went on a Spring walk last week to see how many signs of Spring we could spot. Hopefully your child will be able to point these out next time you are on a walk!
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