We love learning!
Let's find out what Conkers, Acorns and Catkins have been doing over the past few weeks!
The children have had a wonderful few weeks of learning so far. They have begun their maths and phonics lessons and are becoming much more confident with the routines of the school.
In maths, we have been learning all about number 1 and number 2; the children have been brilliant classroom explorers, finding different ways that they can represent these numbers. They have also had a go at forming these numbers, we have seen some great formations of numbers 0, 1 and 2.
In phonics, the children have been focussing on listening to sounds; we have been exploring rhyming words and the children have become detectives to work out what sounds they can hear. The children have been taught the sounds s and a; they have enjoyed discovering the new sounds by finding objects in a ‘sound bag’ and working out which sound they all have in common!
The children have been introduced to Jigsaw Jennie and Paws who help us with our personal, social and emotional development. We have been reading ‘it’s ok to be different’ and have explored how we can keep our bodies healthy, including labelling our body parts. The creative area has been buzzing this week as children explored various materials and had a go at hand printing with paint whilst others fished for sounds in the water tray!
We have had our first celebration assembly where Miss Brandon, Miss Merrick and Miss Nicholson celebrated each class in Reception, in relation to our REACH values. Well done, Reception!