Autumn Week 14
Autumn Week 14
They've made it! Year 4 have survived their first term of the year and they have worked exceptionally hard. It's been a very busy 14 weeks but lots of learning has taken place.
The children have been working on their RE topic this past week, Year 4 have looked at how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Remember if you find an almond in your rice pudding it is a sign of good luck, make sure you decorate your tree of light carefully to show off its splendour and why not add some festive poinsettias or Christmas Bush to your homes.
The children have also been looking at Christmas based numeracy activities. Do you know how many gifts were given in total across the 12 days of Christmas? Or how many legs there were through the whole of the 12 days of Christmas. Remember, golden rings don't have them!
All in all the children have had both a busy but fun week. The wind down to Christmas has been lovely and Year 4 have been able to create some festive themed decorations and cards. Please have a relaxing holiday break and enjoy the time off. We look forward to seeing you in Januray refreshed and ready for Spring!
All the best,
Mr Baldwin and Mrs Bartlett