Week 2 Spring
Zog, birds and time!
We've had a very busy week so far!
In Numeracy we've been learning all about time. The children have really impressed us with how much they know so far. We're still working on it (particularly minutes!) but we're getting there, so any extra help at home would be wonderful!
In Food Tec this week the children have designed their own sandwiches. They made them out of sugar paper and they looked very appetising.
In Outdoor Science we got very messy making bird feeders. We used lard, which was a new thing for lots of the children, and a selection of bird seeds. We were very lucky to have had a lot of bird feeders and seeds donated to us and our project, so we're very thankful for that. Also, a massive shout out to our wonderful caretaker who built us (from all the old brooms and such like cluttering his cupboard) a bird feeder. This is now just next to the outdoor classroom if any of you would like to see it, full of all the feeders we have made. Hopefully we are going to attract a lot more birds!
In Discover this week we have been doing 'Zog', a wonderful book written by Julia Donaldson (and one of Miss Measey's favourites). We've come up with our own characters, either a dragon or a princess, and are going to begin writing our own stories next week.