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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Summer term begins

We're back!

The lockdown travel restrictions haven’t stopped us as we have started travelling around the world this half term in Reception!

The children have had a great few weeks and seem very happy to be back together again. Over the past two weeks we have been finding out about our world and have explored different continents and where they are on a World map. The children have also been learning about fruits from around the world and where our fruits and vegetables come from. We loved planting our own carrots and are looking forward to watching them grow!

In our English lessons, the children have been finding out about postcards and have even had a go at writing their own postcards. We have read the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and we are now experts at re-telling the story and remembering which animals took which fruits throughout the story. Next time the children go to the supermarket, they will be great helpers with the shopping, as they have had a go at writing their own shopping lists! The focus when writing the shopping lists was to choose the fruits from Handa’s Surprise, but of course (most importantly!) some children sneaked on cakes, cookies and pizza onto the end of their shopping lists! 😊

In maths, the children have been having a go at using number lines to help us with addition and subtraction. We have been so impressed with how well the children have picked up this new concept in maths, they have been able to independently answer number sentences using a number line!


What a great first few weeks back, well done Reception!