Day two!
So far so good!
We've had a fantastic day today! The sun has been shining all day and we've been making the most of the great outdoors!
Group 2, 3 and 4 went walking around Cym Idwal and enjoyed finding out about the natural landscape. The children were praised several times for asking lots of intuitive questions. We then went to the rocky beach and went rock pooling. The children enjoyed fishing for creatures and several of them managed to find some rather large crabs!
Group 1 and 5 did brilliantly at the BLT (Bell, Leap of Faith, Trapeze) challenge. The children showed a good level of resilience and had a go at things that pushed them out of their comfort zones. They also went gorge walking and got a bit wet! They were great at working in a team and helping each other to cross the rocks.
For our evening meal tonight, we had sausage and mash or vegetable curry. The dessert - jelly and icecream - went down a treat!
We are just about to do our evening activities now. More updates to follow...