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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School


Back again!

It has been anther fantastic week in Reception and the time just seems to fly by with your creative little ones eager to develop their academic and personal skills. We have had some excellent success with the entire cohort in that they are now happily embedded within the rest of the school, taking part in normal playtimes and going along to assemblys. So far celebration seems to be the winner, we think it's because of the big shiny stickers!

Phonics this week has focused on the phonemes (technical term for sounds) "i" and "n" your children found it rather tricky to think of some words beginning with "i" but we found some in the end. "n" on the other hand was blown out of the water, we had: net, nut, no, nine (nice numeracy link there), nest, nose and Mr Baldwin's favourite of the week NINJA TURTLE! 

Numeracy this week has moved on to consolidating our understanding from the previous week and applying our new application of numeracy to numbers 6-10. The children have been fantastic at showing their understanding of number and are getting the hand of counting using 1:1 compehension (using their finger to count each number carefully). In addition to this, class counting is strong and your children are increasing in their confidence to share their ideas infront of their class.