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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Week 13 . . .


We have been so busy this week enjoying Arts week. The whole school used a story called ‘The Lost Words’ as inspiration for Arts Week which highlighted words that have been removed from the English Dictionary. We have done Art work this week based on some of those words. On Wednesday, we drew our own ‘Weasels’ and showed colour using paper and tissue to create a collage. We also added leaves, grass and sticks to our work that we collected from outside to create a scene. On Thursday, we were able to have ago at some weaving with Mrs Hartshorn as well have a session working with Tasmin Rosewell, creating goldfinches from the story by painting and then cutting into the shape of a bird. In the afternoon we also coloured a picture of a ‘Starling’ using charcoal and chalk to add colour.