Stretch & Challenge
The best provision for most able and greater depth students and their peers is one that challenges them and extends their thinking, knowledge and skills. Many of the ways of extending the thinking and learning of most able and talented children constitute good practice for all students, when pitched at the appropriate level of challenge and, therefore, will impact on raising standards overall.
At Paddox we believe that students with particular abilities and talents must be recognised and supported to be stretched – intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically, socially and physically. Our ambition is to provide a challenging and stimulating learning environment for all, which offers the opportunities for students to shine and develop an enthusiasm for learning.
Our school has a number of able, talented or gifted pupils, some of whom may perform or have the potential to perform at a level that well exceeds the level of others in their class or that expected for children in their age group. This may be in one area of learning or across a number of subjects. Our definition of ability recognises academic and practical skills as well as those who show outstanding artistic, musical and creative talent, physical skills, leadership qualities and the ability to process ideas and information.
We believe that we can make a difference in enabling these pupils to achieve the greatest possible progress and recognise the value and importance of identifying, developing and celebrating their achievements and successes.
Opportunities for extension and enrichment are built into all of our schemes of work, teaching strategies and daily routines.
Deepen the Moment
Across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, a shared language is used to support children in their identification of stretch and challenge activities. The term ‘Deepen the Moment’ has been taken from our English curriculum which has been devised using Jane Considine’s ‘The Write Stuff.’ Deepen the Moment challenges are offered in all lessons and challenges require children to independently draw upon previously learnt skills and apply them to a problem-solving, comparison or explanation-based contexts. The aim of the challenges is to increase the depth of understanding on a curriculum area. Deepen the Moment challenges are pre-planned and can be provided in all aspects of a lesson.
Further to this, in 2021, Deeper Deepen the Moments have been offered to children in maths to enhance challenging learning opportunities for most able learners. Deeper Deepen the Moments are logic-based problem-solving challenges which can require children to work collaboratively with peers to solve the multistep challenges.
Paddox Primary provides a variety of extra‐curricular clubs and activities, allowing for both enrichment and extension. Sports teams, music and drama clubs and many opportunities for performance are organised. Books clubs, trips, community projects/performances, debating competitions have also been made available. Enrichment activities provide opportunities for students to work with those of different ages, but similar interests and abilities. Specific stretch and challenge opportunities include:
- Taskmaster Project in collaboration with Warwick University
- Dyson STEM Club in autumn and spring terms
- Imagineering Club in autumn and spring term
- Princethorpe Maths Competition
- Quiz Club Science and Maths Competitions
- The UK Mathematical Trust’s Junior Mathematical Challenge.
Coming soon…
- Rugby School Led Stretch and Challenge Club
- MENSA Reading Challenges