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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

PE Blog





Page 6

  • Year 3 Tag Rugby February 2018

    Published 06/03/19

    Year 3 got 'stuck in' playing tag rugby this half term!

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  • Our Girls' Footballers

    Published 06/03/19

    This term we have formed a fabulous Year 5 and 6 girl's football team.

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  • Year 3 Jado Kuin Do Taster

    Published 30/01/19

    Year 3 had a fabulous morning learning the art of Jado Kuin Do.

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  • Key Stage 2 Leaders

    Published 11/01/19

    At Paddox we teach the importance of warming up in every PE lesson. Throughout the year, each child in key stage 2 gets the opportunity to deliver their own warm up with a partner. This is a great way of reinforcing learning and building up confidence.

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  • Year 5's dodgeball lesson - 13/12/2018

    Published 21/12/18

    Year 5 working on their defensive formation

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  • Our fabulous Year 4 sportshall team! 29/11/2018

    Published 21/12/18

    Our Year 4 team went to Harris school to compete against five other schools in a sportshall competition.

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  • Sportshall - 23/11/2018

    Published 23/11/18

    Paddox smashed their way through heat one of the level 2 Primary Schools Sportshall competition!

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  • Year 5 and 6 Biathlon at the Pingles - 08/11/2018

    Published 21/11/18

    Paddox competed against 17 other schools.

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  • Year 5 St Andrews Rugby Taster

    Published 11/11/18

    Year 5 all had a go at tag rugby this week, coached by members of St Andrews rugby club.

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  • Circus Dance

    Published 11/11/18

    Year 2 have been fully emmersed in their 'Circus' topic and have learnt a dance to Barnum's 'Come follow the band'.

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