Reception Blog
Find out what is going on in our Reception classes
Published 13/02/17Read MoreAs we come to the end of our dinosuar topic we would like to thank all the children who brought in relevant items from home.
I wonder...
Published 06/02/17Read MoreWe have started up a new 'I wonder...'display in our reception corridor. This is to encourage our children to start asking more questions and become curious about the world around them.
Happy New Year!
Published 09/01/17Read MoreWe hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and enjoyed lots of family time.
Intra sports
Published 28/11/16Read MoreThank you for providing your children with the correct colour t-shirt.
Who's There?
Published 21/11/16Read MoreDid you notice the foot prints and beanstalk on the playground?