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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School


We have completed our first week of maths and phonics lessons!

This week in maths, we have been learning all about number 1 and have found out how to represent it in lots of different ways. We went on our own number hunt around the room to find objects that represent number 1; from cubes and counters, to books and diggers, we all found our own creative ways of showing our teachers that we know all about number 1.

Our phonics lessons have been filled with lots of listening games where we had to guess which sound we could hear. We have also listened to stories with rhyming words, and we had to become rhyme detectives to see if we could spot the words that rhyme!

Not only have Reception taken part in their first maths and phonics lessons, they also had their first celebration assembly. Miss Merrick, Miss Shepherd and Miss Nicholson have been so impressed with all the children, particularly with how much respect they show throughout their school day; this was proven with their ‘super sitting’ during their very first celebration assembly!