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Paddox Primary School

PaddoxPrimary School

Spring Week 5



What a wonderful week it has been in Year 2! We have started our new topic of Flight! We have been learning all about the History of Flight, right from the first hot air balloon all the way to the beginning and end of Concorde. We’ve made completed research and made timelines.

Very excitingly we also went on a flight together, all the way to a mysterious island. We then wrote letters home using some wonderful contractions, questions and conjunctions. Both Mrs Knight and I were incredibly impressed with the quality of the writing the children have achieved this week!

Also this week we were able to visit the Prayer Space which has been on the school stage all week. This was very similar to last years and the children really enjoyed the experience.

This week was our final week in Food Tec for group 1. We created our own soup recipes, then made them and tasted them. We have definitely got some budding chefs in Year 2! Starting from next week the Forest School and Food Tec groups will switch round.

Thank you to those of you who have now provided your children with appropriate PE kit, it is much appreciated!

Finally, this weeks homework has been attached to this blog post (hopefully!) and will be from now on, just in case you lose yours. :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, from Year 2.