Week 13
Stable Trail
Christmas Carols at church! This was a lovely service on Wednesday, the children sang beautifully and it was great to see so many grownups coming to support the children.
This week both classes went to the ‘Stable Trail’ experience at the Methodist Church for an afternoon. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who joined us for this! We met characters from the story of the nativity including, a shepherd, a wise man’s wife, an innkeeper, Mary and a roman soldier! The children were very excited and enthusiastic about the whole thing, having lots of ideas and questions to ask.
The children have also been working really hard this week on their Christmas performance, making sure they know their lines and songs really well! We’re still working on who’s supposed to be where on stage and when, but we’re getting there…
Don’t forget, performances are on Wednesday 14th at either 9.20am or 2.00pm. We look forward to seeing you!