Famous people from history and working with 3D shapes!
It's been a busy week working hard in Year 2!
This week in Maths we have been learning all about 3D shapes, we have been counting edges and vertices and trying to find faces to name the shape correctly. Year 2 worked brilliantly in pairs to build lots of 3D shapes. These were then used to help them in following lesson when it came to looking at the shapes properties.
English and Topic have merged wonderfully this week as we have been learning and writing all about Florence Nightingale, the famous Lady of the Lamp. We have been discovering lots of facts about Florence and following her journey all the way from being a young girl who was just part of a rich family, to a national treasure who helped revolutionise hospitals and became the first women to ever received the Order of Merit award. Who knew being so hygienic could be so rewarding!