Spring Week 2
Story writing and exclamations!
A very busy dragon week! We’ve written wonderful stories this week all about dragons! They’ve had all kinds of problems and needed to rescue princesses and be real heroes!
In Basic Skills we’ve been focusing on using command sentences correctly, particularly in instruction writing. We’ve also been trying to use exclamation sentences. These are quite tricky as a “classic” exclamation sentence starts with ‘what’ or ‘how’. For example, “What big eyes you have Grandma!” or “How kind of you!”
In Numeracy this week we’ve spent a lot of time learning about time! In Year 2 we hope all the children will be able to tell the time to 5 minutes. At the moment we’re recapping quarter past and quarter to (we learnt o’clock and half past in Year 1).
Reminder: Next week is Come and Learn, with a focus on writing. This will be on Thursdays 25th at 2.15pm. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.