Easter Experience
Being told about the tomb in which Jesus was laid.
This week, the Methodist Church and St George's combined to give the Year 3 children an Easter Experience. We pretended to be part of the crowd on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem, we were present when he washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper and heard about his subsequent crucifixion, and then we re-enacted what happened on Easter Sunday when the tomb was discovered to be empty.
This week has seen the performances of our Year 3&4 production of "Sleeping Beauty - The Ugly Truth". We hope that all those of you who came to see it enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it.
On Friday we supported Sports Relief by everyone running a mile (some of us ran over 2 miles!) and then finished off Science Week by singing our year-group song about light. Not only was it a great performance, it was also packed full of information and everyone should be very proud of the part they played in it.
Have a great break and we'll see you all again in the Summer Term when we'll begin by studying the Stone Age.