Spring Week 5
Spring Week 5
It has been an extremely busy week!
Year 4 have been finishing off their stories with a twist and all of them have been absolutely fantastic. The children have really put their all into creating suspense and using openers that signalled time. Towards the end of the week, the children added a few finishing touches to their work to make sure their story was a good as it could be. We couldn't wait to mark and read them, the suspense was killing us!
In Numeracy we have focused on place value and looking at how it can help Year 4 when it comes to rounding numbers up and down.
In addition to all of our normal lessons, Year 4 also had the chance to travel to Space in the amazing and mind blowing science dome experience. It was fantastic!
Finally, a quick well done needs to be given to the whole of Year 4. As we all know this week has been our Spring Fever week, the children have behaved wonderfully and shown great maturity whilst learning about its sensitive topics. All children have shown respect, care and took every lesson very seriously. Well done Year 4!
Have a lovely weekend!