Laundry Day
Evaporation Investigation.
In Science, as part of our study of States of Matter, we conducted an investigation to find out the effect of temperature on the speed of evaporation. Firstly, we had to find out the temperature of the classroom and then the Forest School corridor. The children then used their Maths skills to measure 100ml of water to add to a tea towel. Next, they had to find the starting weight of their towel and popped it on a washing line in the classroom. We repeated these steps with a towel which we hung in the corridor. After a morning of waiting, we gathered our results and found out that the tea towel in the classroom weighed the lightest at the end of the investigation, therefore the warmer the temperature, the quicker the rate of evaporation. Year 4 are now experts in evaporation, so if you need your laundry drying quickly, you know who to ask for help!