Spring Week 6
Spring Week 6
Once again we have had a busy week in Year 4!
In our Literacy lessons we have been learning about Free Verse poetry and all of the wonderful literary features that can be used. We have looked at different examples of free verse poems and discussing interesting devices such as personification, similes and metaphors.
In Numeracy we have focused our attention towards the written method of subtraction. Year 4 have worked extremely hard and have grasped the concept of exchanging numbers where appropriate.
In Science we have looked at the digestive system, just say to Year 4 'My Old Socks Smell Like Armpits' they'll know what you mean!
Also this week, we have had the pleasure of experiencing prayer spaces where Year 4 have been given the chance to think about the wider world and show their thanks for what they are grateful for in the world. Year 4 showed fantastic listening and turn taking skills throughout this part of their week.
Have a lovely weekend!