Worksheets for snow day
Snow Day
Good morning everyone,
I hope that you are all well and keeping warm!
Whilst there is no expectation for work to be completed today, we wanted to provide some activities in case you wanted to keep busy or needed to provide something to do if you are continuing to work at home.
Maths - I have attached a range of resources. This week, we have been learning how to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers. There are 2 worksheets for this that your child can use to have some additional practice. Alternatively, there is a dice rolling game attached if they wanted to have a more fun way of practicing!
I have also attached some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division worksheets. These should be completed using the written methods and it is always beneficial to keep practicing these skills so they are really secure.
Other than that, TTRS practice is always recommended in year 4, the more the better! Or TopMarks is a fantastic website for tablet and laptop friendly games.
English - we have been focusing a lot on setting descriptions and creative writing in year 4. Can your child write a setting description of what their garden/street looks like in the snow? Or a recount of a trip out in the snow? It would be fantastic to see them describe all of the senses and try to include some repetition, similes, or even personification and onomatopoeia (the CRUNCH of the snow is a great example!).
Science - this week we looked at how water changes its state depending on the temperature - it is as if we knew the weather would take this turn!! Can your child create a poster explaining how snow is formed and the effects of cold temperatures on water? Or could they record a weather report explaining what is happening outside and why?
Wider curriculum - during our Art project this half term we learnt how to draw moving figures to decorate our Greek vases. Can your child create a snowy scene with some moving figures, perhaps having a snowball fight or building a snowman?
For DT, we have been designing and creating torches. Can they think of any other new inventions that could use their electrical circuit and switch making skills?
Performance practice!! Sadly we will be missing a rehearsal slot today and with the performance being just round the corner, any practice at all of songs, lines, or even just watching the film and understanding how character's deliver their lines would be extremely beneficial.
As I said above, these activities are not an expectation, but they are an option if needs be.
Take care today and feel free to send me any photos/work completed if you would like to 🙂❄️